Radical Sounds Latin America – María Chavez, Nicole L’Huillier
Thursday, 23.11.23, door 20:00
  • 20:30 Nicole L’Huillier
  • 21:30 María Chavez

15 Euro At The Door

Morphine Raum,
Köpenicker Str. 147, 10997 Berlin
Hinterhof 1. Etage

We are delighted to announce that in 2023, we will be celebrating our fifth anniversary. Through a dynamic six-day hybrid program, taking place both online and offline, we invite you to join us in the exploration and reimagining of sound, music, art, and profound dialogues.

Nicole L’Huillier, is a transdisciplinary artist from Santiago de Chile. Her practice centers on exploring sounds and vibrations as construction materials to delve into questions of agency, identity, collectivity, and the activation of a vibrational imagination.

Born in Lima, Peru, and based in New York, sound artist, curator, and abstract turntablist Maria Chavez explores the language of chance, coincidence, and failure, through improvised turntable performances, book objects, sound sculptures, installations, and writing.